Being in the now & Tulip Retreat's photos
May 28, 2022I wanted to remind you be present with whatever life brings you...
Whether you are in nature, at home, or in the city.
Be in the moment.
Be with your body, close your eyes, and pay attention to it.
Listen to your emotions and sit with them.
A new door will open from allowing your body's sensations and emotions to just be...
Do not try to fix or change your emotions. Even the uncomfortable ones.
Simple. This is being in the present. The doorway to "Presence".
If you are interested in learning why you need to be more in the present.
I invite you to try it during your day.
Emotions are usually short-lived when we embrace them.
Once the energy of rejecting them is set free, you will arrive at a new peaceful state of being.
Then, you have the freedom to do whatever you heart wishes.
I would be curious to hear how it went. Please share how it goes...
Crystal Hermitage at Ananda Village was stunning this year. We visited 17,000 tulips and spent time in nature, yoga and meditation. My dream place. π Enjoy !
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